
FootBond Tournaments, Competitions, Rules and Awards


In the FootBond world there are four different types of Tournaments and each of them has competitions that are played daily or weekly. The player can participate in the competition of his choice in any Tournament of his choice without any financial compensation.

  1. Weekly Tournaments Competitions” (Weekly)
  2. “Challenge CUP Tournaments Competitions” (CC)
  3. Joker CUP Tournaments Competitions” (JC)
  4. “OnBoarding Tournaments Competitions” (OB)

Players create a portfolio for each competition they participate in and invest 1,000 “Credits” provided by FootBond. The number of matches in the competitions is determined by FootBond and it is mandatory to invest in each match. Players must spend 1,000 Credits in full. The minimum amount of credits to invest in a team is 20 and the maximum is 200. Depending on the scores obtained by the invested teams, the cards seen, whether it is a home or away team and the rate of returns, profits are earned.

The rate of returns of the teams are calculated by FootBond algorithms based on the teams’ performance and announced before the game starts. More successful teams have a lower rate of return, while relatively less successful teams have a higher rate of return.

The higher the score difference, the higher the return. Away wins generate higher returns. In matches where there is no home-away distinction, such as cup finals and international organizations, both teams are considered as home. If the invested team loses the match, a loss is incurred according to the rate of return of the opposing team.

Players can use FootBond world assets such as “Joker” and “Token” to increase the team’s rate of return within certain rules or double their earnings by using “Joker”. At the end of the competition, players are ranked according to their earnings and the player with the highest earning wins the grand prize.

The amount and nature of the prizes depends on the Tournament type. The prizes are “Token”, “Joker” and “Coin” of the FootBond world assets.

Earned “Tokens” and “Jokers” are stored in the player’s wallet and can be used in any FootBond tournament. The “Coins” earned by the Player can be converted into Gift Cards. The Player must have at least 1500 “Coins” in his/her wallet in order to convert them into Gift Cards.

The player can also convert the “Coins” they earn into “Tokens” in-game if they wish. 1 “Coin” is worth 100 “Tokens”. “Tokens” can also be earned by watching advertisements.

Players who enter the FootBond world receive a one-time welcome gift of a certain number of “Tokens”, “Jokers” and “Coins” in their wallets.

Players can use the “Tokens”, “Jokers” and “Coins” loaded into their wallets in any FootBond tournament. “Tokens”, “Jokers” and “Coins” in the player’s wallet never expire and can be used in all FootBond tournaments every season.

Explanations regarding the definition, usage and acquisition of “Credit”, “Token”, “Joker”, “Coin” are included in Appendix 1.

Another parameter that affects the players’ earnings is the number of yellow and red cards the teams receive. Teams receive penalty points depending on the number of yellow and red cards they receive, as shown in Appendix 3. Each card a team receives has a negative impact on the player’s earnings.

Players can use their “Tokens” to insure their investments against losses due to yellow and red cards.

All games are played via mobile applications for iOS and Android using an internet connection. The player must use a valid Mobile Phone number when registering on FootBond.

  • Weekly Tournaments Competitions (Weekly)

“Weekly Tournament Competitions” are played on a weekly basis with the teams of the highest level League of each country, in accordance with the fixtures announced by the national football federation. “Weekly Tournament Competitions” start with the first match of the season and end with the last match of the season. Players can participate in competitions in their chosen countries with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 separate portfolios. “Weekly Tournament Competitions” are weekly, the portfolio building process starts with the launch of the competition and ends with the start of the first match. The portfolio with the highest return is entered in the weekly ranking. Prizes are awarded for each country “Weekly Tournament Competition” launched every week from the first week of the season.

The main goal of the “Weekly Tournament Competitions” is to get the highest return and win the grand prize. Players ranked in the top 1000 are gradually awarded different prizes depending on their position in the rankings. Ranked players receive “Tokens”, “Jokers” and “Coins”. In addition, all players are gradually rewarded with a different number of “Jokers” depending on their profit. The prizes of the tournaments can be viewed in the mobile app.

The investment instrument used in the Tournaments is “Credits”, which are given to everyone equally. Players invest 1000 “Credits” given to them by FootBond for each portfolio they create, which they believe will provide the highest return from the teams taking part in the competition.

Players use “Jokers” and “Tokens” to create a portfolio by investing in the teams of their choice in accordance with the rules set out in Appendix 4 and try to realize the highest income generation.

The player with the highest earnings at the end of each week wins the first prize.

At the beginning of the season, the rate of returns of the teams are calculated with the FootBond algorithm by evaluating their league performances in previous years. For the first four weeks, the rates of returns determined at the beginning of the season remain constant, after Week 5, the team rates of return are determined according to the league standings and are updated repeatedly according to the changing standings as the weeks progress.

In Appendix 2, the rate of returns of the teams and their earnings depending on the scores of the matches are explained in detail. The higher the score difference the team wins the match, the higher return the player gets. If the team wins away, the player earns more; the more the team loses by, the more the player loses. If the team loses at home, the player loses more.  When the team wins, it earns according to its own return rate, but when it loses, it incurs a loss according to the rate of return of the team it played against.

The player uses the “Jokers” and “Tokens” in his wallet by evaluating the teams and their possible returns and creates the desired portfolio in accordance with the set rules .

  • Challenge CUP Tournaments Competitions (CC)

Played daily, every day of the week, with matches determined by FootBond. Matches are selected from national or international competitions played all over the world. Each day the player makes 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 portfolios and enters the overall ranking with the portfolio with the highest earnings. “Challenge CUP Tournament Competitions” are daily, the process of making a portfolio starts with the launch of the competition and ends with the start of the first match.

The rate of returns for “Challenge CUP Tournament Competitions” are based on the ranking of the teams in the game, which is determined by comparing their current performance against each other. The rate of return of the teams in the game are specified separately for each tournament.

Players in the top 1000 will gradually receive different prizes depending on their place in the ranking. Ranked players receive “Tokens”, “Jokers” and “Coins”. In addition, all players are gradually rewarded with a different number of “Jokers” depending on their profit. The prizes of the tournaments can be viewed in the mobile app.

  • Joker CUP Tournaments Competitions (JC)

Played daily, every day of the week, with matches determined by FootBond. Matches are selected from national or international competitions played all over the world. Each day the player makes 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 portfolios and enters the overall ranking with the portfolio with the highest earnings.  “Joker CUP Tournaments Competitions” are daily, the process of making a portfolio starts with the launch of the competition and ends with the start of the first match.

The rate of returns for “Joker CUP Tournaments Competitions”  are based on the ranking of the teams in the game, which is determined by comparing their current performance against each other. The rate of return of the teams in the game are specified separately for each tournament.

“Joker” prizes are awarded to the top 10 players. In addition, all players are gradually rewarded with a different number of “Jokers” depending on their profit. The prizes of the tournaments can be viewed in the mobile app.

  • OnBoarding Tournaments Competitions (OB)

“OnBoarding Tournament Competitions” are designed as warm-up competitions for newcomers to the game. Comprised of played World Cup matches, players challenge their investment skills, soccer knowledge and memory to warm up to the game and learn how to achieve higher returns. At the same time they earn “Tokens”, “Jokers”, “Coins” and increase their FootBond Point.

OnBoarding Tournament competitions are 4 in total for each new player, players can participate in these competitions at any time. Unlike other competitions, once the created portfolios are saved, the “Calculate” button is clicked to perform calculations and show the results and earnings. It is recommended to play before entering real tournaments as it is a way to learn the game and discover and experience ways to make a difference.

2.   Distribution of Prizes

“Token”, “Joker” and “Coin” prizes won in FootBond games are added to the winners’ wallets when the results of the respective competition are announced.

Players can convert their prize “Coins” into Gift Cards. FootBond works with A/S (GoGift), which distributes Gift Cards in more than 60 countries. You can use the GoGift Gift Card you have won in all countries where GoGift operates. For detailed information about the GoGift Gift Card and the countries where the Gift Card can be used, you can visit

You must have a minimum of 1500 “Coins” in your wallet to start the Gift Card conversion process.

3.   Appendix 1 “Credit”, “Token”, “Joker”, “Coin” and their definition, acquisition and usage

  • The investment instrument in all FootBond tournaments is “Credits”. Each player is given 1000 “Credits” to use for each portfolio he/she makes. “Credits” can only be used for the respective portfolio. It cannot be accumulated or transferred to another portfolio.
  • “Token” is the second type of asset used for investments in the FootBond world. Players earn “Tokens” in the following ways.
    1. As a reward;
    2. By watching ads; Each video watched earns the player 10 “Tokens”.
    3. By converting the “Coins” earned as a reward into “Tokens”;
    4. Using the “Read and Collect” tab in the Mobile App; Players who read QR codes with other players via the mobile app become Friends with the relevant player. Players who become friends earn 100 “Tokens” each by reading the QR code every week. You can earn a total of 1000 “Tokens” and 2 “Jokers” by reading QR codes with 10 friends every week.
    5. Players who read QR codes distributed by FootBond Partners will receive “Tokens”;
  • The most widely used asset in the game is the “Token”, it is used in the following areas.
    • It is used to change the rate of return of teams. When used in the upward direction, every 10 tokens increase the invested team’s rate of return by 1 point. When used to decrease, it decreases the opponent team’s rate of return by 1 point. If your invested team loses, you can reduce your potential loss by decreasing the opponent’s rate of return. The increase or decrease can also be performed in 0.1 point increments when playing in Master mode by pressing the “Details” button on the Update Portfolio tab.
    • It is used to insure teams against yellow and red card penalties. If the player wishes, they can insure their invested team for 10 “Tokens” and make them immune to possible card penalties.
    • 250 “Tokens” can be converted into 1 “Joker”.
  • “Joker” is one of the asset types used for investments in the FootBond world. Players can earn “Jokers” in the following ways.
    1. As a reward;
    2. By converting their existing “Tokens” into “Jokers”; 250 “Tokens” are 1 “Joker”.
    3. Players who read QR codes distributed by FootBond Partners will receive “Jokers”;
  • There are two types of “Joker” in FootBond games. The player can use the “Joker” of his/her choice.
    • D-Joker: Doubles the profit from the investment with which it is used. For example, let’s say an investment earns 3.1 “Credits”. If “D-Joker” had been used on this investment, the gain would have increased to 6.2 “Credits”. Let’s say another investment loses 2.4 “Credits”. If “D-Joker” had been used on this investment, the loss would have increased to 4.8 “Credits”.
    • P-Joker: Prevents a loss on the investment with which it is used and has no effect on the gain.

For example, let’s say a trade has a loss of 3.2 “Credits”, if “P-Joker” had been used on this investment, the loss would have been avoided and the player’s portfolio gain would have been prevented from taking a loss on this trade.

  • “Coin” is the only type of asset in the FootBond world that can be converted into Gift Cards. Players can earn “Coin” in the following ways.
    1. As a reward; the player receives “Coins” depending on the ranking achieved in the competitions.
    2. By recruiting a new Player to FootBond and being selected as a “Referrer”; The player selected as a “Referrer” will receive 50 “Coins” for each player selected as a “Referrer”. Likewise, the player who enters a Referrer record also earns 50 “Coins”.
    3. In exchange for the “Tokens” used by the players you have been chosen as a “Referrer”; The player earns 1 “Coin” for every 1000 Tokens used by the player who chose them as a Referrer for 90

The more players you bring to FootBond, the more “Coins” you can earn.

Players can convert their “Coins” into Gift Cards or “Tokens” if they wish.

  • 1 “Coin” is worth 100 “Tokens”.
  • For conversion to Gift Cards, 1 “Coin” is worth 1 Euro Cent. Conversion to different currencies uses the conversion rates set by GoGift.
  • Assets uploaded by FootBond to players’ wallets can be used in any FootBond tournament.
  • “Tokens” won as prizes can be used in all FootBond tournaments in accordance with the established rules.
  • “Coins” won as rewards can be converted into “Tokens” or Gift Cards.
  • “Jokers” won as prizes can be used in all FootBond tournaments in accordance with the established rules.

4.   Appendix 2 Rate of Returns of Teams

The rate of returns of the teams are determined differently according to the Tournament type. In Weekly Tournaments, the rate of returns are calculated by evaluating the teams’ performances in the last years with FootBond criteria. The rate of returns are set at the beginning of the season and remain fixed for the first 4 weeks of the season, in the following weeks the team’s ranking in the League determines the rate of returns.

The rate of returns in the Challenge Cup and Joker CUP Tournaments are based on the ranking of the teams in the competition, which is determined by comparing their current performance against each other.

Players can increase the rate of returns of their invested teams by up to 1 point in exchange for a “Token” or decrease the opponent’s rate of returns by up to 1 point.

The stated rate of return determines the income if the home team wins the match by one point. The return multiplier increases in increments of 0.25 as the score difference increases.  For example, if a team with a rate of return of 2 wins the match 1-0, 2 is used as the rate of return. If the team wins the match 2-0, the rate of return is multiplied by 1.25 and becomes 2.5. If the team wins the match 3-0, the rate of return is multiplied by 1.5 and becomes 3.

FootBond rewards the team that wins away. The rate of return for an away win is multiplied by 1.5. For example, if a team with a rate of return of 2 wins 1-0 away, the return rate is multiplied by 1.5 and becomes 3. If the team wins the match 2-0, the rate of return is multiplied by 1.75 and becomes 3.5. If the team wins the match 3-0, the rate of return is multiplied by 2 and becomes 4.

The rate of return increases depending on the score difference and remains constant after 10 differences.

In short, it gives more when the team wins with a higher score difference, and even more when it achieves the same result away.

In case the home and away team wins, it generates profit according to the score difference as mentioned above. When the invested team loses the match, it generates a loss at the rate of return of the losing team, again depending on the score difference.

In case of a draw, the home team’s rate of return is reduced to 0, while the away team’s rate of return is halved. In the event of a draw, the away team generates half of the rate of return for its investors, while the home team earns nothing for its investors.

5.   Appendix 3 Yellow and Red Card Penalties

Teams receive penalty points depending on the number of yellow and red cards they receive. Each card a team receives reduces the earnings generated by the team.

Players can insure their invested teams against possible losses due to yellow or red cards in exchange for “Token”.

Each yellow card reduces the team’s return multiplier by 0.4 points, each red card reduces the team’s return multiplier by 0.8 points.

6.   Appendix 4 FootBond Competitions Portfolio construction rules

  • Players must invest in every single match in the competition and use all 1000 “Credits” given to them per portfolio.
  • The minimum investment in a team is 20 “Credits”. The maximum investment amount is 200 “Credits”.
  • The number of teams shown on the Update Portfolio page (“Min Match”) should be invested in and all the Credits given to the player for the portfolio should be spent, when those criterias are met the color of the box containing the portfolio numbers turns green and the portfolio becomes valid.
  • When deciding on the team to invest in, you can calculate the return on investment by clicking the “Calculate” button on the Update Portfolio screen. To support the investment decision, teams’ cumulative wins*, home and away wins per week* and previous match scores can be viewed through other information providing screens. (* in Weekly tournaments)
  • By using the copy feature, a desired portfolio can be copied one-to-one to another portfolio. “Tokens” and “Jokers” used during copying will be transferred exactly if there are enough “Tokens” and “Jokers” in the Wallet. If there are not enough “Tokens” and “Jokers” in the wallet, only “Credits” are copied. At the end of the copying process, desired changes can be made in the new portfolio. Portfolios that are not saved will not be valid.
  • Players can use one of the “Jokers” in their wallet in a portfolio of their choice. The details of the use of “Jokers” are given in Appendix 6.
  • Players can use the “Tokens” in their wallet in a portfolio of their choice. Details of the use of “Tokens” are given in Appendix 6.
  • Players can get insurance against yellow and red card penalties for any team for 10 “Tokens”
  • The maximum number of “Tokens” that can be spent in each portfolio is 125.
  • Players enter the ranking with the portfolio with the highest earnings.
  • Players who have no “Token” left in their wallet to spend are first asked if they have “Coins” that can be converted, and if they have “Coins”, they are asked if they want to convert them. If there are no “Coins”, the player is invited to watch an advertisement. Even if the player has “Coins”, they can choose not to convert and watch the advertisement.

7.   Appendix 5 FootBond Competitions Ranking Rules and Prizes

FootBond Competitions Ranking Rules

  1. It is possible to participate in FootBond competitions by making 5 The player can enter the competition with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 different portfolios and will be ranked with the portfolio with the highest earnings.
  2. The player with the highest return on the investments in his/her portfolio wins the first prize.
  3. The prize is awarded only to the person with the highest earnings, even if they win by a very small margin.
  4. If there is more than one player with the same portfolio earnings, the following criteria are used in order to determine the winner. According to this ranking, the player with the first advantage will be the winner and the other criteria will be ignored. The other players are ranked among themselves according to the same criteria.
    1. The player with the highest FootBond Point is ranked above the other players
    2. Of the players with the same FootBond Point, the player who makes the investment first is placed above the other players.

FootBond Competitions Prizes

In FootBond competitions, prize distribution is based on two criteria,

  1. By ranking,
  2. According to the profit made in the game,

The prizes to be awarded in each tournament can be seen in the Tournament Prize List. The prizes won will be added to players’ wallets after the announcement of the competition results.